BrainLink Support for Carers
BrainLink runs a Carer Support Program for unpaid carers who are providing assistance or care to a person living with a brain injury or degenerative neurological condition.
Our program is free to join, free to attend activities and does not affect any government payments you are receiving.
BrainLink Carer Support Program
BrainLink's Carer Support Program provides carers with educational materials, social inclusion and respite from caring. Registered carers can access a range of free group activities for carers across metropolitan Melbourne, and regional Hume and Gippsland.
Some of the group activities we run include:
- Local Coffee shop Catch Ups
- Online Mindful Living and Qi Gong workshops
- Organised Walks
- Movie Days
- Half day activities (eg High teas, Musicals, fun activities)
- Full day activities (eg Peninsula Hot Springs, Op shop tours)
- Educational workshops (eg Behavioural support, Emergency planning)
- Retreats (One or Two Nights Away)
- Special Events e.g. Theatre Nights, Annual Christmas Party
View upcoming events
Benefits of joining our Support for Carers program
Being a carer can be isolating, by joining BrainLink's Carer Support Program you have the opportunity for social inclusion and to link in with other people who get what you are going through.
Linking in with other carers can be an amazing support. No-one understands the highs and lows of the caring role better than some-one who is in that role. Some of our carers have formed lifetimes friendships from group activities where they have met other carers who understand what you are going through.
Our aim is to support you, the carer, so that you can maintain your caring role.
Who is Eligible?
To register for the BrainLink Carer Support Program you need to be:
- An unpaid carer, caring for a person with a brain injury or degenerative neurological condition
- You live in Metropolitan Melbourne or Regional Victoria in the areas of Hume or Gippsland
- Your Care Recipient lives in Victoria
- (For Metropolitan carers) You are not currently registered and accessing carer support through VMCH or Different Journeys
How do I join?
Registering for the BrainLink Carer Support program is easy. Simply complete a short registration form, which can be completed by phone, online or by downloading and printing the form and returning to BrainLink.
or sent in the mail to:
BrainLink Carers Support Team,
Waterman Business Centre - Caribbean Park,
Suite 201, 44 Lakeview Drive,
Scoresby VIC 3179
Download the Registration form here.
If you are not sure if you are eligible please ring on Carer Support Team on 0498 333 088.