To provide the organisation with a system to receive and resolve complaints about BrainLink operations and services.
Our Values
BrainLink Services Limited works on the philosophy that the wellbeing and needs of those affected by brain injury or other neurological disorders and their carers take first priority - BrainLink CARES: Commitment, Accountability, Respect, Equality and Support. Every effort is made to inform and educate health and welfare services, and the community, about the effects and implications of acquired brain injury, and the needs of the individuals affected. BrainLink staff work as a team, sharing tasks as necessary for the wellbeing of all staff and the smooth running of the service.
BrainLink Services Limited will take all reasonable steps to ensure that our clients are not adversely affected because a complaint has been made by them or on their behalf and that their concerns are given appropriate attention and resolution.
Relevant Legislation
Disability Act 2006 - Division 5, Complaints to Disability Service Providers
BrainLink Complaints Process
All complaints are investigated thoroughly in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
How to make a complaint:
If for any reason you feel dissatisfied with the way you have been treated by BrainLink or its staff or volunteers, please bring it to our attention. You can speak with the staff member themselves or bring the issue to the General Manager or CEO. Everything you tell us will be treated confidentially.
If the issue cannot be solved at this point, please contact us by:
- Phone – 1800 677 579 or Email— admin@brainlink.org.au
- Internet – use the feedback page at www.brainlink.org.au
- Mail—BrainLink, Waterman Caribbean, Suite 201, 44 Lakeview Drive, Scoresby, VIC 3179
If we cannot solve your issue immediately, we will investigate it and keep you informed of our progress.
If you are dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint you can contact:
For carers, complaints can be directed to:
For people with a disability with supports funded by the NDIS, complaints can be directed to:
We work hard to ensure that you will be happy with the services we provide, and we want to know about any way we can improve.
Reporting breaches of privacy.
Privacy breaches can be reported through the web-based privacy incident report form on the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing website. Feedback Management System Introduction page dffh.vic.gov.au. For further information contact privacy@dffh.vic.gov.au
Changes to this policy
We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes to this privacy policy will be updated on our website www.brainlink.org.au.
If you require further information, contact BrainLink.