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Career opportunities

Current opportunities

There are no current position vacancies. To submit your interest in future positions, please email us

How to apply

  1. Please forward your application consisting of your cover letter and resume to the contact person as prescribed in the relevant job ad/description. You can apply by either email, post or fax.
  2. Your cover letter MUST address the Key Selection Criteria, as noted on the position description, and inform us of the relevant experience and attributes that you will bring to the role.
  3. Your resume needs to include your contact details, employment history and experience, educational qualifications and at least two nominated referees.
  4. If you have any questions, or would like to find out more information about the role, please contact the person listed in the job ad/description.
  5. Please note the closing date for applications on the ad/position description.

Have an enquiry about career opportunities?

Contact BrainLink for more information or to submit your interest in future positions.

Contact us


Should an applicant be unsuccessful in their original role application, it is BrainLink's default policy to retain application details for up to three months in case any future opportunities arise.  Should you wish for BrainLink not to do this, please let us know. 

Criminal record & working with children checks

BrainLink Services is committed to its obligations under the child protection legislation. Upon commencement, all BrainLink employees must declare that they are not a prohibited person as defined under the law.

It is also BrainLink's policy to complete a nation Police Record Check and Working with Children Check.  All offers are subject to satisfactory completion of Prohibited Person Declaration, Police Record Check and Working with Children Check.

Equal opportunity employment  

BrainLink Services is an equal opportunity employer.
